A London State of Mind

What would you do if you only had 24 waking hours to explore London? How would you best fill your time? Tours? Free-range adventure?

That's the conundrum I'm currently facing. I have about 12 hours in London once I get to my hotel on Christmas Eve Eve and another 12 hours the day before my flight takes off back to the states. So what's a girl to do alone in London without a friendly face to greet her?

Well, I've already decided on filling three of those 24 hours with a primo seat at the Queen's Theatre watching Les Miserables:

I'm not sure why it took me so long to think about taking up a show, but I finally did and now I'm giddy with excitement! Be prepared for photos and a post to follow!

Now I'm down to 21 hours. Hmmm... well obviously I'll have to take in a few of the classic sites such as Westminster Abbey and all the architecture that comes with a palace or two... but what else?

Book stores and libraries. Now we're talking. I'll be walking everywhere and, fortunate for me, I chose a relatively centralized location for my hotel so I should be in really good shape not to waste too much time on the travel... but lots of walking means lots of stopping into little shops and cafes and I think THAT is where most of my time will be spent. Just lollygagging and taking in the lifestyle of London rather than racing around the city trying to hit one attraction after another.

See, I'd hate to plan my visit down to the minute - to such a degree that I won't be able to just take my time and experience what there is to experience. It's a trap many travelers fall into - the play-by-play itinerary. Aside from seeing a play and seeking out literature, I think I'll just point my feet down one road and let them lead me where I need to go. Adventure is made for the spontaneous and that exactly how I plan to spend my time in London!

What is your travel style?
