I don't know where I'm going, but I assure you I am going.
You cannot stop me; hold fast my boots to this tainted, soiled ground. I was meant to conquer the stars and eat cheese. Flowers are to tickle my nose. Languages are to baffle my brain.
Yes, it is true. I may not know where I am going, but I am going nonetheless.
My spirit was meant to wonder the oceans and dance in the waves. My fingers to caress maple leaves and yew trees. My heart to jump to the motion of running bulls. My face to be stained red with tomato juice.
Behind me, my lessons form congress; building a future fraught with their brethren. Without them each experience loses meaning. With them I am born.
No. I do not know where I am going, but watch me go. Watch the path lay down before me. Watch my steps take longer strides. Watch my head held high.
You cannot stop me; hold fast my boots to this tainted, soiled ground.
I am going.
I am conquering.
I am dancing.
I am growing.
Watch me go.