Now that you've written up your masterpiece or blurb or essay or snippet of a review you need to share it with the world! But where exactly should you post it? Although it seems rather straight forward there are things to consider when it comes to sharing your review. Things like audience size, "foot" traffic, and target groups all come into play here.
To help the author the most, you'll want to post your review in places that access a large audience because this will get the most eyes on your review and, subsequently, the book. Foot traffic just refers to the people passing by online; an almost accidental viewing. Lastly, target groups which include people who like to read and who are looking for new books. You wouldn't post your review of a book on a Yelp! account for a restaurant. To take the guess work out of it for you I've included a few places to get you started!
The Top Five Places to Post a Book Review: - This one is huge. If you post your review in only one place this is the place to do it. They make it really easy for you, too, if you bought the book through them. Their review rules have become increasingly strict over the last year so make sure you don't mention your relationship with the author, but rather focus on the book. - They are owned by Amazon, but unfortunately they aren't completely synced to each other. So if you post here, you have to login to Amazon, too, and post there as well. Kind of a pain, but definitely helpful to the author. If you don't have a Goodreads account you will need to sign up for one to leave a review. This is also a great place to learn what your friends are reading and what recommendations are out there.
Wherever you bought it - Did you buy it from Barnes & Noble? Maybe another online retailer? If so, pop on and leave a review of the book there. Other people are shopping that site, too, and want to know what you thought.
Your social media - This is such a great place to share your thoughts on a book. Your friends and family already are invested in who you are and by sharing your review in a status update you are exposing your community to the book you loved (or didn't.)
Your Blog - If you have a blog you can dedicate a space to your review there. Your blog posts reach a lot of people who follow you because they resonate with you on some level. Chances are, they're going to be interested in what you're reading and your verdict on the book.
No matter what you decide, posting somewhere... anywhere!... is better than no where and the author of the book will love you for doing it.
Happy reading!