These Boots Were Made for Walking

I've officially been home for a week now and I still feel like I'm trying to catch my breath! If you were following me on Instagram then you saw how fast paced my holidays were and what I have been up to for the last three weeks. Now that I'm home I'm back to work, nursing a cold, and trying to reassure my dogs and cat that I am, indeed, back and not leaving anytime soon. I'm not sure who missed who more.

With many posts to follow about the amazing people I met, the wonderful tour I experienced, inspiring architecture I sat beneath, and the delectable food I devoured here's a reminder of all the places I adventured:

DENVER, COLORADO, USA: Time to take off from Denver International Airport! Adventure awaits!

PARIS, FRANCE: Standing on the glass floor of the first floor for the Eiffel Tower. The black dots are the people below.

PARIS, FRANCE: Cobblestones in the courtyard of The Louvre.

MILAN, ITALY: Standing on the roof of the Duomo.

VENICE, ITALY: The wet tile stones of Venice after the tide had receded.

SALZBURG, AUSTRIA: The steps of the Hohensalzburg Fortress.

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC: Wood cobblestones down an alleyway.
BERLIN, GERMANY: Standing on the Berlin Wall.

TROPICAL ISLANDS, GERMANY: Sandy beaches and swim suits inside a zeppelin hangar bay?

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS: Bricks cobbles line the canals of the Floating Flower Markets.

WINDMILL VILLAGE, NETHERLANDS: Old grinding stones littered the grassy areas in the village of still working mills.

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: Colorful cobbles in the courtyards of Brussels.

LONDON, ENGLAND: Play anyone? It was a spellbinding production, I assure you!

We stayed in hotels and hostels, slept on the coach, and ate breakfasts that would put US hotels to shame. We explored cathedrals and back alleys, tried local cuisine and made lifelong friends. It was an adventure I will cherish for the rest of my days.... and I can't wait to show you!
