Flirty Thirty - Looking Back

That's it. I've finally crossed over into the big 3-0 and I'm not even worried. Growing older is a gift denied to many and so I promise to always remember how each year molds me into the person I am meant to be. The last ten years have been filled with activity, change, heartbreak, and rebuilding.... there's been so much I didn't even realize until I took a moment to stop and reflect.

This is me:

In my twenties I:

Graduated with my Associates Degree - 27

Got a(nother) tattoo - 22

Joined a sorority - Omega Phi Alpha - 23

Lived in four states - 18-22; 22-25; 25-28; 28-present





Bought three houses - 25, 28

Wrote and published a novel - 29

Went white water rafting twice - 26, 29

Deschutes River - Oregon

Wind River Canyon - Wyoming

Traveled internationally - 20
Got married - 25

April 20, 2011 - Gilbert, Arizona

Pierced my ears (second holes) - 29

Cut off all my hair - 20, 28
Became a Certified Yoga Instructor - 25

Learned how to throw clay - 27
Survived a tornado - 28

I have worked as a:

Pre-school teacher - Washington, Arizona
Family Support Specialist - Arizona
PSMAPP Trainer - Arizona
Personal Assistant - Oregon
Stay at Home Wife - Oregon, Wyoming
Yoga Instructor - Oregon, Wyoming
Enrollment Services Clerk, then Assistant - Oregon
Writer/Author - Wyoming
Office Associate - Wyoming

I have lived and traveled to:

(Purple - Lived/ Yellow - Visit)

I have met some of the most amazing women - dissolved toxic friendships and rekindled lifelong relationships. I have learned how to love in so many facets I would have never known existed if it weren't for the amazing, inspiring ladies who have come into my life over the last ten years. Those who encourage me to pursue my wildest dreams, bring me to tears laughing, and share in my most intimate insecurities. These friendships have turned into family and though we are often so far away, I know that the love and security of their guidance will always be there!

Courtney and DeAnna



In my twenties I have grown my family, built a stronger relationship with my dad, and learned how best to serve the friendship I have with my mom. Four furbabies have entered my life and made it all the more filled with unconditional love. I don't like to play favorites, but who am I kidding? Izzie is my SoulMutt if ever one existed. Her companionship has been and continues to be a security blanket in my life. 





Yes, I know I've mentioned my dog before my husband, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't surprise him at all seeing as one of the first things he learned was that he would go before she does. I won't lie and say that being married has been a walk in the park, but together we have struggled through pain and fear, disappointment and bitterness to grow stronger as a partnership and individuals. He helped me overcome our inability to conceive, to dream up new dreams, to explore freely the person I want to be. His support and depth of love has taught me more about myself than any experience I've ever had and for that, for whatever little or great time we might have together in this lifetime, I am grateful for having met, loved, and grown with him.

My longest friendship keeps pushing forward. Sierra and I have been friends since the sixth grade and have grown in so many ways together and apart. She's the backbone of my history, one of the very few constants in a life of change. In just one more year, our friendship will be old enough to legally drink!

Sierra's wedding - the before party - toasts and I love you's!

I have had an amazing life so far. Though pock-marked with painful moments, I have learned to seek the light and learn from the dark. In the last ten years I have lost and found myself multiple times. I have forgotten the spark which fires my passion and rediscovered it over and over again. I've learned how to love fully, forgive, and explore within and without my spirit.

Today I'm tipping my hat to the years which have built me and raising a glass to the next ten ahead!
