Writing Prompt One Hundred and Seven

Length: 800 words or less
Deadline: None
  • Submit via email to
  • Copy your story into the Message box:
    • Include:
      • "Writing Prompt #____"
      • Your return contact information marked with a "(P)" for private if applicable
      • Public contact information you would like me to reference if your piece should be selected for feature.
        • This can include your website or blog as well as your social media outlets: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc.
        • Optional: A photo of you
      • Your story
        • Please copy and paste into the body of the message, however, if you have a special format design for your story (such as moments of centered or right alignment, size, etc.) attachments are accepted.
Award: My favorite submissions will be featured on as well as all BC's social media outlets with all links connecting back to your blog/social media/website/etc.

The Oregon Coast

Having spent many weekends and summers growing up on the Oregon Coast it is no wonder I wanted to spend as much time there as humanly possible while I was in the area... and two days is never, ever enough. When I last lived in Oregon my house was only 50 minutes away from a great, always empty beach so now it's a bit of a lifestyle change living in Wyoming. There is just something about the waves crashing against the sand, the salty air, and whipping wind that is completely refreshing of the spirit.

When Adrienne and I finished in Newport we drove back to the Portland area via Lincoln City, stopping to do some antique shopping along the way. I scored a few new additions to my collection of my favorite author, Zane Grey, and also added a few unfamiliars to my growing antique book collection.

This book was a delight to read. It involves a sleepy Italian village that experiences a case of stigmata. A review will be coming soon, I assure you!
There was an amazing antique and book store just at the southern tip of Lincoln City on the main highway called North by Northwest Books and Antiques. It's like my two favorite things combined! The neat thing about this place was that it specializes in antique medical equipment and supplies. There was a jar with a beautifully printed label "Cocaine" and other dubious type instruments, but all were incredibly interesting to investigate.

We had stopped in Lincoln City for lunch on our way down to Newport and for a chance to walk on the beach. It was such a beautiful day; warm and windless. I was amazed how sparsely populated the sand was.

After Lincoln City I dropped Adrienne off in Portland and drove back to the coast to get ready for my train trip with the Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad the following day. I slept in a horrifically skeezy hotel (it had a 2 star rating for a reason and I should have listened,) but before that I was able to sneak in a dinner date with an old friend and meet her two darling little boys!

After the train, I headed north to Cannon Beach where I hoped to swing by my favorite bookstore in all of Oregon, the bookstore that started my collection, Jupiter Books. But they were closed! My heart broke a little bit, I'll tell you honestly!

But I didn't let it deter me from exploring the rest of the little beach town I grew up loving so much... or dipping my toes in the water and baking them on the hot sand.

After taking a nap on the beach I headed further north a few miles and ate lunch in Gearhart at the McMenamins Sand Trap restaurant. My favorite food in all the world is McMenamins' Cajun Tots with Peppercorn Ranch. I crave it often and so felt truly pleased with myself to have made the special trip to this location (although they have many, many others!)

Wanting to beat traffic, I left after a late lunch and headed back to Portland to spend the evening with my grandparents. Next stop? Downtown Portland and Cartlandia. Stay tuned!

Writing Prompt One Hundred and Six

Length: 800 words or less
Deadline: None
  • Submit via email to
  • Copy your story into the Message box:
    • Include:
      • "Writing Prompt #____"
      • Your return contact information marked with a "(P)" for private if applicable
      • Public contact information you would like me to reference if your piece should be selected for feature.
        • This can include your website or blog as well as your social media outlets: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc.
        • Optional: A photo of you
      • Your story
        • Please copy and paste into the body of the message, however, if you have a special format design for your story (such as moments of centered or right alignment, size, etc.) attachments are accepted.
Award: My favorite submissions will be featured on as well as all BC's social media outlets with all links connecting back to your blog/social media/website/etc.

Review: Clearwater Restaurant

It was by complete happenstance that we stumbled upon this beautiful restaurant when we were on the hunt for dinner. We hadn't planned to dine here, but I'm so glad we did. The atmosphere was warm and clean, the food amazing!

We were greeted by the hostess with a smile and she offered us our pick of table of which we chose a window. 

Blankets were available for those brave enough to sit out on the back patio overlooking the water on chilly evenings such as this one. The dining room we were in boasted a fireplace and bar.

The view from our table was unbelievable.

Our waiter was prompt and helpful in explaining the specials and specific items listed on the menu. The menu was extensive and offered plenty of choices for wine and cocktails. Adrienne went with something a little fruity that looked beautiful. She swears it tasted as wonderful as it looked.

The trick about such an amazing menu is that it's nearly impossible to pick just one thing so instead of compromising we each chose a few items off of the appetizers menu and ate family style.

We ordered a garden salad each and shared steamed clams, dungeness crab mac and cheese, and duck confit sliders. Everything was delicious and hit the spot. I will definitely eat here again!

Come prepared to spend a little money. Check out the menu below to see if it'll fit your budget, but believe me, for a nice night out or a romantic date night I highly recommend this restaurant. You won't be disappointed.

Final Rating

